Welcome to CISTEM 2022!


The International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM), is a federative event that brings together the Maghrebian electrical specialists. It is also a performant exchange channel aiming to increase inter-Maghreb interactions and international visibility.

The first three editions in Tunis, Marrakech and Algeries (CISTEM 2014, CISTEM 2016 and CISTEM 2018) were successful as around 230 researchers have participated for each.  In addition, some of CISTEM papers were published in IEEE Xplore, while others were edited in partnership with many high-impact journals.

CISTEM is becoming a regular biennial event that aims to organize a wide number of plenary conferences, round tables, tutorials as well as special workshops dealing with the wide fields of Electric Engineering related topics.

The 4th edition of CISTEM, CISTEM 2022, will be held in Tunis from October 26th to 28th, 2022. This event foresees the participation of maghrebian and international exhibitors, as well as round tables to exchange experiences about cooperation between Industry and University. Furthermore, CISTEM 2022 aims to reinforce maghrebian networks for research in Electrical Sciences and Technologies and extend them to European ones. A particular focus will be addressed on Socio-Economic challenges of Energetic and Technological transition in these regions. 

If you would like to share experiences and ideas in this field, CISTEM 2022 will be the right event for you!!




CISTEM 2022 General Chairs


CISTEM 2022 : !! The News!!


Check the Conference Overview

and uploald the  Detailed Program !

  info sm ALL accepted and presented papers will be published in  IEEE XPlore  database 


info sm A selection of high-quality papers will be published in a special issue of the Springer’s journal “Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy” indexed in Clarivate/Web of Science and Scopus (Q1)

info sm A selection of  accepted and presented papers will be proposed for publication in high-level journals 

info sm CISTEM 2022 proposes a special session dedicated to economic and societal challenges related to energy and technology transition. It is carried by the Tunisian Center for Economic and Social Research (CERES)

Organized by:

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Partner Journals:

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