KEYNOTES > Conference 8

Next Generation of Power Converters with SiC and GaN Components

Bernardo CougoIRT Saint Exupéry, Toulouse, France


Wide bandgap devices, such as SiC and GaN, increase power converter’s efficiency and power density but they significantly affect Electromagnetic Interference and Partial Discharge issues in power electronic systems.This tutorial starts with introduction about modern Power Electronics issues and the gain on using WBG technologies. State of the art concerning the research, production and commercialization of GaN and SiC transistors is then presented.In order to precisely design high density converters, accurate dynamic characterization of such components is necessary. Switching energy is not always given on WBG component datasheets and classical measurement methods can be inaccurate for fast semiconductors. Thus a more accurate characterization method is presented and described, which gives precise information on switching energy, speed and voltage overshoot during commutation for many different parameter variation. These values are important data used to calculate filtering devices to reduce EMI issues and overvoltage on cables and loads connected to the converter.Applications using WBG components is presented. Details on the impact of SiC components in power drive systems will be addressed as well as some solutions to reduce overvoltage and EMI filtering in this system. 


He worked as a post-doctorate fellow at the PES Laboratory, at ETH-Zurich, in Switzerland and also at LAAS and LAPLACE laboratories in Toulouse, France.  His is currently working as a Senior Power Electronics Expert at the French Institute of Research IRT Saint-Exupery.He has taught in different universities in Brazil and France, and he is currently a lecturer at ENSEEIHT/INP on subjects related to power electronics integration and Wide Bandgap semiconductors. He advises several Ph.D. students and Post-doctorate fellows on research projects related to SiC module design and SiC converters, mainly for aircraft applications. He has more than 60 publications since 2008 about power electronics integration and WBG semiconductor characterization and applications.

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