Title: Mobility Description: IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) is a major player in research and education in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From scientific concepts in fundamental research to technological solutions in applied research, innovation is at the heart of its activities, which are structured around four strategic orientations: climate, environment and circular economy; renewable energies; sustainable mobility; responsible hydrocarbons. As part of the public interest mission assigned by the public authorities, IFPEN focuses its efforts on providing solutions to the societal and industrial challenges of energy and the climate, in support of the ecological transition. IFPEN's engineering school, IFP School, is an integral part of IFPEN and prepares future generations to meet these challenges. In order to accompany the electrification of the transport sector, IFPEN's work covers the development of innovative, efficient, high power density electrical machines and their power electronics. In order to be in line with research and industrial needs, IFP School regularly adapts its educational programs to train engineers who are immediately operational in the sustainable mobility sector. The main objective of this session is to share our know-how in terms of research and teaching in order to achieve sustainable, clean and accessible mobility for all. Special Session Chair: Ouafaé El Ganaoui-Mourlan Cahir Professor on Sustainable Mobility | IFPEN Co-Responsible for EPA Research Master | ENS ouafae.el-ganaoui-mourlan@ifpen.fr
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